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Downloads at Bandcamp

Downloads of all Another Timbre CDs are available from Bandcamp here

Sale prices for older CDs

Now that we have released over 200 discs, we have reorganised our back catalogue, so that most CDs from at01 to at100 are on sale at half price. This applies to all our earlier releases except those which have been re-pressed.

We have divided our ‘catalogue’ pages into two halves:

The older discs (at01 to at100) are listed here

And newer CDs (at101 to at210) are here

PayPal: Add John Cage Number Pieces box set to cart

Youtube extracts:     Seven2    Eight    Thirteen

at178x4   John Cage  ‘Number Pieces’

In its second pressing, the 4-CD box set of Apartment House playing Cage’s number pieces was top of The Wire’s year list for modern composition, and also #4 in The Guardian’s best classical releases for 2021.

“Apartment House’s performances are wonderfully committed. Every note is there, you sense, for a reason, revealing the strange beauty in these works. The whole set is a revelation”.  (The Guardian)


Morton Feldman Piano box set

Morton Feldman Piano

at144x5    Morton Feldman Piano

Our best-selling release remains the 5-CD box set of Morton Feldman’s music for solo piano, wonderfully played by Philip Thomas. Philip’s interpretations of Feldman’s exquisite music received an overwhelming critical response.

Youtube extracts: Triadic Memories    Intermission 5                     Extensions 3     Music for the Lipton film

PayPal: Add Feldan Piano box set to cart

£35 + £3 postage worldwide

John Cage Number Pieces Box Set

Cage Number Pieces Crane Natural World

at210 Laurence Crane ‘Natural World’

Prize-winning work for voice, piano & electronics, performed by Juliet Fraser and Mark Knoop. “A three-part reflection on the fragility of the world around us that never becomes preachy....It is wonderfully direct and touchingly beautiful.”  (The Guardian)

Youtube extracts

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at209    Magnus Granberg

        ‘Evening Star, Vesper Bell’

Apartment House working with Magnus Granberg for the first time to produce a gorgeously sensual performance of a 50-minute work written specially for them.

Just great music.

Youtube extract

PayPal: Add Magnus Granberg - Evening Star to cart Jurg Frey String Trio

at217   Jürg Frey  ‘String Trio’

Apartment House with the first recording of Jürg Frey’s astonishingly beautiful String Trio.

Youtube extract

PayPal: Add Jurg Frey String Trio to cart seamus cater

at216  Seamus Cater

          ‘A History of Musical Pitch’

Three pieces by Amsterdam-based composer Seamus Cater, a subtle and loving ‘re-sounding’ of the work of the Victorian polymath Alexander J. Ellis, inventor of the musical cent and tireless measurer of the precise pitches of musical instruments.

Youtube extract

PayPal: Add Seamus Cater to cart Catherine Lamb - parallaxis forma

at215  Catherine Lamb  ‘parallaxis forma’

3 works by the Berlin-based US composer:

‘parallaxis forma’ for voice and ensemble

‘pulse/shade’ version for multi-tracked voice

‘color residua’ for voices and ensemble

Performed by Explore Ensemble, Exaudi Vocal Ensemble & Lotte Betts-Dean

Youtube extract  (parallaxis forma)

PayPal: Add Catherine Lamb - 'parallaxis forma' to cart

at208   Adrián Demoč   ‘Neha’

Highly acclaimed CD with two orchestral works by the Slovak composer.

‘Neha’ (Tenderness) is a wonderfully restrained work for large orchestra, while ‘Popínavá hudba’ is an intimate piece following an ever-shifting melodic line.

Youtube extract  ‘Popínavá hudba’

Democ Neha PayPal: Add Adrian Democ 'Neha' to cart Pauline Oliveros

at207 Pauline Oliveros ‘Sound Pieces’

Apartment House realise six works by the pioneering US experimentalist. Five text scores for open instrumentation, followed by ‘Peace/Tree’, an extended trio for piano, violin and cello.

Youtube extract 1  ‘Quintessential’

Youtube extract 2  ‘Peace / Tree’

PayPal: Add Pauline Oliveros Sound Pieces to cart

Other Recent Releases


at206  Eden Lonsdale  

‘Clear and Hazy Moons’

Debut CD from a phenomenally talented young composer Three pieces played by Apartment House, and one by Rothko Ensemble.

Youtube extract 1 (Billowing)

Youtube extract 2 (Clear and Hazy Moons)

CD copies sold out, but downloads here

Baldini Vesperi

at205  Marco Baldini  ‘Vesperi’

Seven compositions by Italian composer Marco Baldini; slow, compelling music for low strings and marimba. Three of the pieces are based on works by sixteenth century composers, while the others are original compositions which share a beautiful and foreboding aesthetic.

Youtube extract

CD copies sold out, but downloads here

Voutchkova Davachi

at204  ‘Slow poem for Stiebler’

Biliana Voutchkova & Sarah Davachi

A duo for violin and reed organ extending a series of short gestures from Ernstalbrecht Stiebler’s composition ‘Für Biliana’ into slowly expanding harmonic suspensions, highlighting the simple beauty and fragility of the intervals and chords.

Youtube extract

CD copies sold out, but downloads here

Denyer Melodies

at203x2    Frank Denyer ‘Melodies’

In the 1970’s Frank Denyer’s ethno-musicological studies forced him to go back to basics and ask ‘what is a melody?’ and ‘what is a note?’  He answered these questions by composing 25 pieces, starting from single-note melodies, through 2, 3 or 4 note melodies, and ending with pieces with 14- and 15-notes.

With a 24-page booklet containing an essay by Frank about the project.

PayPal: Add Frank Denyer 'Melodies' to cart

Youtube extracts

Sales to EU countries

Changes to customs regulations within the EU are being enforced with varying degrees of severity. Unfortunately this means that some CD orders from the UK to the EU are incurring extra charges.  The majority of our packets are getting through ok without extra customs costs, but this isn’t guaranteed.

If you live in the European Union and are worried about possible customs charges, you can avoid them by ordering our CDs from our European distributor Soundohm, who stock all our discs.

You can order almost all our CDs from Soundohm’s website here

Sarah-Jane Summers

at211  Sarah-Jane Summers

          ‘Echo Stane’

Nine solo pieces for Hardanger fiddle, composed and wonderfully performed by the Norway-based Scottish musician.

Youtube extract

PayPal: Add Sarah-Jane Summers to cart

at212x2   Morton Feldman

‘Violin and String Quartet’

Sublime two-hour chamber work, beautifully played by Apartment House. Double CD with artworks by Anton Lukoszevieze.

Youtube extract

Feldman Violin & String Quartet PayPal: Add Feldman VSQ to cart

at213  Michiko Ogawa & Lucy Railton

  ‘fragments of reincarnation’

Michiko Ogawa and Lucy Railton’s enthralling single movement work for shō, organ and cello sold out quickly, but has been re-pressed. Excellent music.

Youtube extract

Ogawa Railton PayPal: Add fragments of reincarnation to cart

at214  Anthony Pateras

‘A Dread of Voids’  and

‘’Patterned Language’

Two very fine recent compositions for different quintets by the Australian composer.

Youtube extracts

Anthony Pateras PayPal: Add Anthony Pateras to cart Cat Lamb Curva Triangulus Jurg Frey percussion Magus Granberg Holde Traume

at226x2  Jürg Frey  ‘Outermost Melodies’

A double album of works for percussion by Jürg Frey. Seven pieces - six solos, and one for percussion quartet - played by Ian Antonio and Talujon, dating from 1994 to 2022.

Essential music, exquisitely played.

Youtube extract

at227   Catherine Lamb

         Curva Triangulus

A superb piece for octet by Catherine Lamb, wonderfully performed by Ensemble Proton in Bern, using a range of unusual instruments to brilliant effect.

Youtube extract

Youtube extract

PayPal: Add Catherine Lamb 'Curva Triangulus' to cart PayPal: Add Magnus Granberg - Holde Traume to cart PayPal: Add Jurg Frey - Outermost Melodies to cart

New releases June 2024

Three excellent new releases by three of our favourite composers. Double CDs by Jürg Frey and Magnus Granberg, and a single disc by Catherine Lamb.

Please listen to the Youtube extracts below, or go to our Bandcamp page and hear the extracts there

As usual there’s a special offer for anyone who orders all three new releases - and, as you’ll see below, we’re extending the 5-for-4 offer from the previous batch of releases as they have rather belatedly received some excellent reviews in the last few weeks - just follow the links below.

Special offer #1, for the new releases:

Buy the new discs for £40 including postage worldwide:

at225x2  Magnus Granberg

‘Holde Träume, kehret wieder!’

A double CD with 2 realisations of Magnus’s 2021 composition, one for quartet played by Nattens inbrott, the other for septet played by Skogen.

Both versions exhibit Granberg’s characteristically elegant combination of improvised and loosely composed elements. Like Schubert inserted into a Beckettian landscape, and very beautiful.

Youtube extract

Recent Releases - and Special Offer #2

We’re extending the 5-for-4 offer on our recent batch of CD’s, all of which are played by Apartment House.  All four CDs have recently received fantastic reviews.

In The Wire Julian Cowley wrote a really intelligent review of all 4 discs: “This latest batch of releases all exhibit those anticipated qualities of unhurried exposition and finely nuanced restraint, yet the musical content is strikingly varied....”  You can read the whole review here

Ben Harper has also written unusually perceptive reviews of the discs, which you can read here and here

And Peter Margasak featured three of them in his Best Contemporary Music on Bandcamp byline, describing them as “superb Apartment House albums”.

5-for-4 offer   If you didn’t grab them when they were released, you can still get them on a 5-for-4 offer; just email us to let us know which extra disc you want at info(at)anothertimbre(dot)com.  

PayPal: Add Frey Granberg Lamb offer June 24 to cart PayPal: Add 5 for 4 offer February 2024 to cart paul paccione

at224  Paul Paccione

        ‘Distant Musics’

Five pieces by the veteran US composer, all written around 40 years ago, but sounding utterly contemporary. “Been haunting me for of the most extraordinary things I’ve heard in a long while.” (Peter Margasak)

Youtube extracts

PayPal: Add Paul Paccione Distant Musics to cart baldini maniera

at223  Marco Baldini  ‘Maniera’

Seven chamber pieces for strings “captivatingly performed by Apartment House....creating an alluring aura of ceremoniousness and concentration.”  

(Marat Ingeldeev)

Youtube extract

PayPal: Add Marco Baldini - Maniera to cart nomi epstein

at222  Nomi Epstein     ‘shades’

Three filigree works by the Boston-based composer, two performed by Apartment House, and one by an ensemble of fine Berlin-based musicians. “Wonderful work...

Conjuring up a sense of the world that feels quite real”  (Brian Olewnick)

Youtube extracts

PayPal: Add Nomi Epstein 'shades' to cart paul newland

at219  Paul Newland

‘things that happen again’

Five varied chamber works from a composer who is “one of the best-kept secrets in contemporary music in the UK... music quietly bristling with tension and taut energy. Wonderful...”

Youtube extracts

PayPal: Add Paul Newland to cart

Other Recent Releases

Denyer Screens

at220  Frank Denyer ‘Screens’

Five typically beguiling works from Frank Denyer, with composition dates from 1973 to 2021. Using a bewildering array of conventional and unusual instruments, all beautifully played by Octandre Ensemble.

The CD comes with a 10-page booklet by Christian Mason.  “Frank Denyer’s music is full of questions, but never pretends to easy answers....”

Youtube extract 1           Youtube extract 2

PayPal: Add Frank Denyer Screens to cart Martin Arnold Flax

at221  Martin Arnold  ‘Flax’

A few months before he became unwell, Philip Thomas commissioned his favourite composer, Canadian Martin Arnold, to write a CD-length work for piano. ‘Flax’ is the result. Sadly, Philip is unable to play it, but iKerry Yong took on the project, which was premiered at the 2023 Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival.  “Utterly addictive....wonderful and unique music.”   (Philip Cark)

Youtube extract

PayPal: Add Martin Arnold Flax to cart Cat Lamb Kristofer Svensson

at218  Translucent Harmonies

The excellent  violin / viola duo andPlay play two very different approaches to Just Intonation:

Catherine Lamb -  ‘Prisma Interius VIII’ & Kristofer Svensson -  ‘Vid stenmuren blir tanken blomma’

Youtube extract 1 (Lamb)  

Youtube extract 2 (Svensson)

Performed by Explore Ensemble, Exaudi Vocal Ensemble & Lotte Betts-Dean

PayPal: Add Translucent Harmonies - Cat Lamb & Kristofer Svensson to cart