Another Timbre TimHarrisonbre
The Anonymous Zone - Archive Page #2
Click on yellow number to hear piece
Hugh Davies - Shozyg I and II (1969)
Hugh Davies & Richard Orton - Shozygs
duration 10:22
An archive recording from 1969 with the pioneering musician Hugh Davies (1943 - 2005) playing one of his Shozygs (a self-built instrument housed inside the cover of an encyclopaedia covering the letters SHO - ZYG). On this performance he is accompanied by his friend and fellow composer Richard Orton (1940 - 2013) in a previously unpublished improvised duo.
Hugh Davies was one of the first generation of musicians involved in the ‘free improvisation’ movement that emerged in the 1960’s, working with instrumentalists such as Derek Bailey, Evan Parker, David Toop, Max Eastley etc. As well as building his own instruments, Davies was one of the first players to specialise in amplifying small sounds produced by everyday objects. Prior to working as an improviser, Davies had been an assistant to Karlheinz Stockhausen, in particular on the development of the latter’s piece ‘Mikrophonie I’.
For other archive recordings by Hugh Davies, see here
Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø / Finn Loxbo / Lee Noyes
- Untitled Trio Improvisation (2013)
duration 14:18
This improvisation was recorded in Gothenburg, October 2012. Although Finn and Henrik have known each other for some time, this work marks their first time recording together. Whilst Lee had played somewhat sporadically with Finn prior to this date, he met Henrik for the first time the same day this piece was recorded, after sharing together a very fine bolognaise at Finn's apartment.
Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø lives in Oslo, where he is currently doing a masters degree at the academy of music. An ongoing love/hate releationship with the trombone has led him to explore both the boisterous and brassy side of the instrument, as well as the microscopic and 'electronic' sound possibilities. His varying interests comes to play in bands/ensembles like As deafness increases, Lana trio, Strid/de Heney/Nørstebø, Virvl (with Tobias Delius), Skadedyr, Aksiom and in duo collaborations with Rasmus Borg, Adrian Myhr and Daniel Lercher; projects that are ranging from so-called reductionism and free improv to free jazz and contemporary composed music.
Finn Loxbo, seated in Gothenburg, is a multifaceted guitarist and vocalist, moving between the fields of improv, folk, and experimental rock. He has a long relationship with the acoustic steel string guitar and is in constant pursuit of extending its multitimbral possibilities without limiting the instrument's inherent tonal qualities. Aside from solo works he plays in numerous bands, including Strändernas Svall, Moustad, Högberg/Loxbo/Magnefors and Svensk Hund. (Preview)
Lee Noyes is a full-time teacher and musician working in the field of improvised music and electroacoustic composition, with an emphasis on collaborative work. He's performed live and/or has recorded with Barry Chabala, Bruno Duplant, Christian Munthe, Johnny Chang and Sally Ann McIntyre (Radio Cegeste). Long-time active in experimental music circles in his former home-town, Dunedin NZ, he now hangs his hat in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Ilia Belorukov - Berlin, 2012-10-13 (live)
duration 11:07
The title refers to the track's contents. It's an improvisation concert recording made in Berlin. In October 2012 I was touring in Europe and I played alto saxophone, mini-amp, a small loudspeaker with input from iPod Touch, numerous objects to prepare the saxophone and the loudspeaker. All these elements are present in this recording.
Ilia Belorukov is a musician from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. He is a founder of Intonema label, organizer of events, co-organizer of the Teni Zvuka festival in Saint-Petersburg, and a writer for Contemporary Music magazine. Ilia has played with musicians such as Keith Rowe, Alfredo Costa Monteiro, David Stackenäs, Lucio Capece, Radu Malfatti, Birgit Ulher, Jonas Kocher, Thomas Buckner, Jack Wright, and Kurt Liedwart. Concerts and tours in Finland, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Ukraine, Russia.
Olivier Dumont / Rodolphe Loubatière - ‘W session’ (2013)
Olivier Dumont-prepared guitar / Rodolphe Loubatière-snare drum
duration 17:10
The duo Dumont-Loubatière sits in improv territory, making use of rather concrete sounding elements. The result conveys a kind of murky electroacoustic mood.
For our Anonymous Zone piece, as for any other piece, we didn't plan anything. Our work consists above all of a truly friendly relationship, and in leaving a rather long time between every session, having musical meetings just once or twice a year. When we feel music takes an interesting turn, from our point of view, when it becomes different enough from the last time, we can think about a recording proposal/release or live tour.
We like simple, direct, rough things. This piece is a one shot improvisation from our last meeting.
This 2013 winter recording session comes after our previous 2013 duo ‘Mouture’, which was released on Obs records.
Contact info:
Patrick Farmer - ‘A teasel & turntable’
Patrick Farmer - turntable and teasel.
duration 16:39
This simple piece was recorded some time
ago in Oxford Brookes University.
Patrick Farmer was born in Beckenham, Kent in 1983, and has moved all over the country since then. His mother bought him his first drum kit when he was twelve and eight years later he spent six months in India studying Hindustani Tabla with Pandit Nayan Ghosh. Still most often referred to as a percussionist, though he hasn’t performed on a drum kit for nearly four years, Farmer will commonly enlist the help of a drum or turntable to act as a resonator for natural materials or filtering field recordings. A co-founder of Compost and Height with Sarah Hughes, and a founder member of the Set Ensemble, he's now in the last year of his PhD and spends most of his time walking.
d’incise - ‘18MARS’
d'incise (electronics, composition)
Rodolphe Loubatière (piece of metal on snaredrum)
duration 19:37
d'incise is a musician from Geneva, rooted in electroacoustic music but developing many projects with acoustic instruments. His main projects are the duo "diatribes" with Cyril Bondi and the INSUB. (ex.Insubordinations) label.